How do you get an ignition interlock device?

Well it’s as simple as contacting an ignition interlock provider and scheduling an appointment. The reason behind you wanting one does matter though. Since if it’s not state mandated than you can be on parameters that are more lenient.

Where as you needing one for a judge mandate requires your device to be set to parameters that the state requires. Parameters refer to the settings and the way the device functions. They can affect the test frequencies and even the BAC level that’s tolerated. Each state has the discretion to adjust them according to their desires.

However, if you do need an ignition interlock device because of a judge mandate or voluntarily you simply just need to get in touch with us. We as a Wisconsin state approved ignition interlock device provider are capable of providing you the services you need regardless of the reason behind it. If you perhaps are coming from another state with another states interlock mandate, we can help you with that too. We’re a Drager IID provider we can set the device to many different states requirements.

If you want to get in touch to get an IID installed or have any questions please visit our contact page. We will be happy to assist you as soon as possible.


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